Huey helicopter tattoo
Huey helicopter tattoo

huey helicopter tattoo

The woman is actress Signy Coleman, whose mother was a friend of Lewis's mother and also appears in the music video for " Heart and Soul".

huey helicopter tattoo

The video echoes the song's origin, with Lewis waking up late, remembering he has a concert that night, and racing across San Francisco using his yellow convertible, The San Francisco ferry, and a chartered helicopter to get to the concert on time, sighting a woman twice on his way, and finding her in the front row at the concert. Lewis was heavily influenced by " Purple Haze" by The Jimi Hendrix Experience with the recording of the song and called the guitar riff at the end of the song a "tip of the hat" to Hendrix. A special dance mix reduces the instrumental, gives the song a more electronic feel, and extends the song to 5 minutes and 32 seconds. This is used in the music video and is parodied by "Weird Al" Yankovic as " I Want a New Duck". The single edit eliminates the first solo and has the band stop on a sustained chord which is allowed to fade out naturally. The album version has two extensive guitar solos both in the middle of the song and as a fade out. Three versions of the song were released. "I think real love contains humor and anger and confusion, all of those things." But I think in love relationships there's more than 'I want you' or 'I need you' kind of thing." Lewis believed the definition of love was very open to interpretation depending on the listener. The word drug sort of gets your attention.

huey helicopter tattoo

It's not a pro-drug song it's not really even an anti-drug song. I said, 'Bob, give me a piece of paper, I've got to write this down'." According to Lewis, the song is a love song, and the meaning of the word "drug" in the song was purposely open ended. "I was on the way to my attorney's house, and I thought of it in the car. According to Lewis, he wrote the song in only a few minutes.

Huey helicopter tattoo